PurpleTV, which launched on over-the-air (OTA) broadcast TV Channel 16.1 on WWMW in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 27th, has partnered with Civic Media, which owns a network of 20 radio stations that feature videotaped shows across Wisconsin in 12 distinct news/talk media markets, to air its coverage of the Republican National Convention (RNC) that’s taking place in Milwaukee from July 15 – 18.
“Programs like The Maggie Daun Show, Matenaer on Air, The Todd Allbaugh Show, and so many others in the Civic Media family do a great job of covering politics, and their coverage of the RNC is sure to be exceptional, too,” said Ken Switzer, Director of Marketing and Communications for PurpleTV. “We want to help expand their coverage to a wider, potentially different audience than the one they already have.”
Milwaukee has, at 27%%, one of the highest percentages of over-the-air (OTA) audiences in America as measured by the percentage of TV households. Channel 16 reaches 2.25 million people, so approximately 600,000 people can view PurpleTV.
PurpleTV will soon announce an expansion to other broadcast TV stations both in Wisconsin and other swing states. Matthew Davidge, CEO of PurpleTV said, “We’ll be taking PurpleTV to West Palm Beach and other TV markets where people could use a purple perspective.”
Not a conventional TV watching experience, PurpleTV more closely resembles an internet feed or social media stream. It provides bite-sized videos and informational text to the “purple majority”—those who aren’t, politically speaking, all red or all blue.
Wisconsin is a purple state, and the 2024 election could keep the State blue, or turn it red. Donald Trump lost Wisconsin by 20,000 votes in the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump won the State by 23,000 votes in the 2016 Presidential Election. The margin of victory was less than 1% in both elections.
The channel is also streamed on PurpleTV.com. Connect with PurpleTV on Facebook @WatchPurpleTV, Instagram @WatchPurpleTV, and X @WatchPurpleTV.
Why Milwaukee? Two reasons. One, it has a high percentage of OTA (over-the-air) TV viewers who can watch the channel. Two, it is a marginal or swing state. Three, the Republicans held their Convention there from July 15 – 18, 2024.
Wisconsin is a true purple state, and the 2024 election will keep the state blue, or turn it red. Donald Trump lost Wisconsin by only 20,000 votes in the 2020 presidential election. He won the state by only 23,000 votes in the 2016 presidential election. The margin of victory was less than 1% in both elections. It is an important state. We launched there on June 27th, 2024 on TV Channel 16.1 on WWMW.
Milwaukee watches OTA (over-the-air) TV. It has, at 27%, one of the highest percentages of over-the-air (OTA) audiences in America, as measured by the percentage of TV households. Channel 16.1 reaches 2.25 million people, so approximately 600,000 people are able to view the channel.
PurpleTV will launch on over-the-air (OTA) broadcast TV Channel 16.1 on WWMW in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 27th. It will provide bite-sized videos and informational text to the “purple majority”—those who aren’t, politically speaking, all red or all blue.
“Purple people want to get on with their lives. They want politicians to work together and compromise, they don’t want angry performance artists,” said PurpleTV’s President, Matthew Davidge.
Not a conventional TV watching experience, PurpleTV will look more like an internet feed or a social media stream and will be a place for viewers to perch during commercial breaks on other channels. Viewing is designed to be measured in seconds, not minutes. It will broadcast from 7pm to 11pm, Monday through Friday, during TV Primetime.
Wisconsin is a purple state, and the 2024 election could keep the State blue, or turn it red. Donald Trump lost Wisconsin by 20,000 votes in the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump won the State by 23,000 votes in the 2016 Presidential Election. The margin of victory was less than 1% in both elections.
Milwaukee also has, at 27%, one of the highest percentages of over-the-air (OTA) audiences in America as measured by the percentage of TV households. Channel 16 reaches 2.25 million people, so approximately 600,000 people will be able to view the channel. Milwaukee will also host the 2024 Republican National Convention from July 15th – 18th. The political temperature will run high there over the Summer.
“We are realistic about the channel’s impact but if we can reach even a few thousand voters in Milwaukee it could make the difference,” said Ken Switzer, Director of Marketing and Communications. “The stakes are so high in the 2024 Presidential Election. Every vote will matter, especially in the purple states.”
Over-the-air (OTA) viewers need only an inexpensive TV antenna to watch PurpleTV for free, alongside ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC, as well as Univision and Telemundo.
PurpleTV will also test the interactivity of QR codes to connect viewers to the channel. In addition to offering bite-sized political information, the channel will cover the nuts and bolts of politics, such as voter registration, down-ballot races, voter turnout, and more. The channel will also be streamed on PurpleTV.com. Connect with us on Facebook @WatchPurpleTV, Instagram @WatchPurpleTV, and X @WatchPurpleTV.
Contact: Ken Switzer Director of Marketing and Communications [email protected] 202-990-1275
In June 2024, PurpleTV will launch an informational TV channel in Milwaukee, WI over the air on WWMW Channel 16.1. We plan to launch in Madison, WI later in the Summer.
The channel will focus on politics and will have a centrist and pro-compromise outlook. It will run from the Republican Convention in July through the election in November.
Purple is where blue meets red (and where red meets blue depending on your point of view) and is where the political cake gets baked before being cut. America is a purple country with purple people. With the country so evenly-divided, it is important that both parties look to the center and understand that compromise is essential to getting things done. Compromise is not weakness. It is democratic. It is human.
Stay tuned, we’ll start broadcasting soon.
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America is a purple💜country split down the middle between blue and red. Purple people believe in facts, democracy, civility and the rule of law. Alas, Donald Trump does not care for these qualities. He is an angry 🤬 man who uses bluster, threats and intimidation.👎 Donald is not purple nor blue nor red. He’s just an angry bitter orange, wildly appealing to a minority but dividing the whole nation.👎👎