What is PurpleTV?

PurpleTV is a commercial video programming channel. PurpleTV is not a political organization or association or a PAC. PurpleTV has independent editorial views.


Yes, people still watch TV over the air! Especially between the coasts and in the swing states. Nielsen data suggests about 60MM (that’s million) people in the U.S. still watch over-the-air (OTA) television sometimes or often. That’s around 18% of all TV homes.

What does being “Purple” politically speaking mean to you?

If you’re a Democrat yet you can reach across the aisle and shake a Republican’s hand, you’re Purple. If you’re a Republican yet you can reach across the aisle and shake a Democrat’s hand, you’re Purple. Purple people compromise to move the country forward. They don’t blow up or bend the legislative and electoral system. Plenty of Democrats are purple. Republicans, too. And 43% of Americans call themselves Independent. They are also Purple.

Why are you doing this? What do you hope to achieve?

The election in November is important. Truth is important. PurpleTV may not change many people’s minds, but we have to do what we can. We can’t just stand back and stand by and watch this country we love divide and disintegrate. There is a big Purple electorate out there who can talk to each other and compromise. We want to talk to them.

Why did you launch PurpleTV in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin is split almost 50-50 (almost 50% Republicans, 50% Democrats) and will be a very important swing state in November. The 2024 election could keep Wisconsin blue or turn it red. Donald Trump lost Wisconsin by 20,000 votes in the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump won Wisconsin by 23,000 votes in the 2016 Presidential Election. The margin of victory was less than 1% in both elections.

Are there any candidates you’re in favor of? Staunchly against?

We’re against any candidate who spreads election misinformation or who claims elections are not safe and secure. We’re definitely against Donald Trump because he will divide the country and pull it apart economically and socially.

Why are the stakes so high in this election?

Because democracy is on the ballot.

What makes PurpleTV different from other TV channels?

PurpleTV will not be a conventional TV watching experience. We’ll keep the screen busy to make it interesting. It will look more like an internet feed or social media stream and will be a place for viewers to perch during commercial breaks on other channels. Viewing is designed to be measured in seconds, not minutes.

What is an example of something that you absolutely will not air on PurpleTV?

Lies, misinformation, and disinformation. Content that suppresses or soils democratic ideals.

Do you have plans to expand to other stations and/or states?

Yes. If the channel is successful, we will expand to other television markets.